there's gotta be more to life than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Don't effin' blame the chef!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

6, 8, 6

Booboo: 11-17-2004 10:01 AM

[SMS number 1]
Cn i ask 4a tym off,floi?M
rily sory i hv bin outa reach,
lyk literaly,ds past fw days,
bt i jst cnt handle d 2 of u w/o
hurtn any1 of u
myself..+ my revalida

[SMS number 2]
s fast aproachn, n its jst
killin me,m scared 2death
tht i may nt pass it..So wht
m doin s jst focus on it,
concntr8 on it,prepare 4 it,
cz i thnk thts d key, d ans

[SMS number 3]
..M sory i knw m askn 2much
frm u agen..Bt i hpe n pray
ul undrstnd..My mind s
swirlin w/ thots n emotions
ryt nw,i jst hv 2tke it out on
u 2
..Her studies s also

[SMS number 4]
impt,ur lyf n work s jst as
impt,thts y we all hv 2do
ths..Mke tym 4 ourselvs,
2clear our minds so well
knw wht we nid 2priorityz..I
hope u undrstnd my floi..

[SMS number 5]
Tnx 4 everythn..Plz tke cre
of urself always..

[SMS number 6]
I love u,floi..Shes out of d
qstion..I jst hv 2 clear ths
hurdle in front of me..

Six months... Eight days... Six hours...

But it still feels like I have just read those SMSes for the first time. Fresh as a newly-harvested mango. Yes, they are still saved on my phone if only for the purpose of reminding myself once in every while that I used to be a sappy pathetic li'l girl who cried AT WORK over six text messages.

This still is my last heartbreak. It was the last time I felt that tingle upon someone calling me "my floi". But then, he must have meant to say "I hope you understand ME floi" - twas merely a typo error. It was also the last time I didn't kick a boy in the balls for telling me he loves me. Because deep inside, I not only believed him, I KNEW he meant it.

This, on the other hand, prompted me to be the strong womyn I am now. Gone are the days of boy-dependence. Gone are the days of hoping for a committed relationship. This was the first time I let "it" slip...

My subconscious impulse to see the big picture, the real picture, was won over by my firm decision to move on. I admitted it was over. I had him where I wanted him, anyway - wrapped around my finger. Even for a moment, I had him. I did not bother pushing for a closure; it can't be reached right after a break-up. It was a mere excuse to continue talking and seeing each other. I understood what Ninang Sheila said about not asking questions and letting the feelings fade.

I did not ask questions. The feelings did not fade, though. Not one shade duller. Shit.

Maybe... I still haven't attached myself to any guy... yet... because... I still consider This... time off... Eventually... he'll come back... and tell me... he has cleared all the hurdles in front of him...

*.* as if! @ 4:07:00 PM • • RBJ


I'll be seeing you. Goodnight.

Find me here:


Palabras Finales

Remember me when you hear this

sleeps with butterflies ~ tori amos

Airplanes take you away again
Are you flying
Above where we live?
Then I look up a glare in my eyes
Are you having regrets about last night?
I'm not but I like rivers that rush in
So then I dove in
Is there trouble ahead
For you the acrobat?
I won't push you unless you have a net

You say the word
You know I will find you
Or if you need some time
I don't mind
I don't hold on
To the tail of your kite
I'm not like the girls that you've known
But I believe I'm worth coming home to
Kiss away night
This girl only sleeps with butterflies
With butterflies
So go on and fly then boy

Look good from on the ground
I fear with pins and needles around
We may fall then stumble
Upon a carousel
It could take us anywhere

You say the word
You know I will find you
Or if you need some time
I don't mind
I don't hold on
To the tail of your kite
I'm not like the girls that you've known
But I believe I'm worth coming home to
Kiss away night
This girl, this girl

You say the word
You know I will find you
Or if you need some time
I don't mind
I don't hold on
To the tail of your kite
I'm not like the girls that you've known
But I believe I'm worth coming home to
Kiss away night
This girl only sleeps with butterflies
With butterflies
With butterflies
So go on and fly boy

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Bury the Hatchet

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