I sat at the flower pot with her still in view and observed the reactions of people passing by. There were some who snickered, some who crinkled their noses and some who didn't bother to contain their disgust as they exclaim, "Yuck!".
A girl who saw it approached the guy beside me and said, rather loudly, "Kita yung pwet ng babae!"
As I walked away and had the chance to see her face, I saw that it was a guy. A homosexual. No wonder he didn't care. That's a mean thing to say but it was almost a relief to find out he wasn't a girl.
Speaking of bottoms, I was watching MYX one time and Luis was ridiculing himself yet again. He's such a lame imitation of the goofy Utt. Anyway, he was talking about his bottoms and everytime he says ASS, production bleeped him while they aired BUTT and PWET.
What is it about ass that isn't suitable for television? What else would you call buttocks? Tush? Ass is ass. J.Lo's got a big ass. Ass is another name for donkey. Ass. Strange.
Oh btw, I hate the word pwet. I hate the word wetpacks even more.
I have this gross habit of spilling whatever I'm drinking while drinking it. Be it coffee, water, soda, soup or alcohol or be it from a glass, from a cup, from a tetrapack or from a bottle, it always finds a way not to pour right into my mouth. It's like, my mouth has slits at the side or something. Maybe I have this subconscious misconception that my mouth is bigger than it really is.
The even grosser habit would have to be how I deal with it. I either wipe my mouth with the sleeve, collar or neckline of whatever I'm wearing. Seldom would I ask or look for a table napkin. So, I'm not as cultured as I claim to be, huh?
Odd enough, some guys think it's adorable. Well, I do.
"Love is an investment. Information is insurance and for someone whose heart has been crushed, I can't be too careful."
Here's something unyucky. I've made considerable progress with my write-ups. Thanks, Joe Sison, for the verrrry huuuuge help. ^_^
*.* as if! @ 1:23:00 PM • • RBJ