Incredibly, the flight attendants managed to keep the passengers calm so it's sort of a relief to think that those people left this world in good spirits. Indeed, the flight attendants deserve heroic recognition for doing what they did.
By the end of the show, I was sobbing uncontrollably. I sobbed because I was terrified. I sobbed because I felt guilty. I sobbed because I have a bottle of vodka but I can't drink it by myself. I sobbed.
That moment when the 9/11 attacks happened, I was out partying. The next morning when I received a text message asking me to pray for the people in NY, I laughed it off. Selfish me thought I had too much to pray for to even bother to pray for those successful pricks in my dream city. That night, Bes and I were aghast as we were enlightened by what we saw on the front page of that day's newspaper. A picture of an airplane striking WTC was on it. Such a disaster.
Four years later, hear another tower crash. Innumerable Flight 11s struck. Will this tower be rebuilt? Or will it be remembered only as Ground Zero? Will it even be remembered?
I have been too keen on having faith on people that I have none left on myself.
Rebirth by Film [Will it work?]
Movie buddy, anyone?
*.* as if! @ 11:37:00 AM • • RBJ