I am in denial
Anger made me wash my dirty laundry
Anger made me scrub the toilet
How ever far away, I will always love you
How ever long I stay, I will always love you
Whatever words I say, I will always love you
I will always love you
I will always love you
you I love will always
love will you always I
will I always you love
you always I love will
always love will I you
Because I always feel I'm a child
Whenever I'm alone with you
In the dusk
Your arms cuddling me close, too close
My hand steady on your chest
Because I always feel I'm a woman
Whenever I'm alone with you
In the dark
Your fingertips on my lips, my cheeks
A lock of my hair in your hands
Such a gift you gave me
The perfect reason to remember you by
I give it back to her, you see
Butterfly, Flutter by
Good bye, Good bye
My angel, my friend, my sister, my support line operator Ariane, you are the heels of my stilletos that carries me through this long and pebbly ordeal. I could not possibly express the overflowing gratitude I feel for you.
Meg, you don't have to say anything. Knowing you're by my side makes this load a million tons lighter.
*.* as if! @ 4:05:00 PM • • RBJ