I remember my own Prom dances. During Junior Prom, my crushie Lloyd of my life asked me to dance after he was crowned Senior Prom King. During Senior Prom, I cried on Godfrey's shoulder as I watched my crushie Arturo dance with Mimay during OUR song. Well, it was the song we always sang as seatmates, anyway. Three months later, Godfrey became my third boyfriend.
Eeek! A freaky realization. I was head-over-heels with Godfrey for a long time until I met Arturo. Arturo made me get over Godfrey. But then, when my heart was breaking because of Arturo, it was Godfrey who comforted me. Likewise, I was head-over-heels with Ludwig for a long time until I met Lex.ir. Lex.ir made me get over Ludwig. But then, when this skank was giving me a terrible time because of Lex.ir, it was Ludwig who comforted me. How weird is that.
Isn't it such a wonderful feeling to be single, boy-free and far from all those complications? *sigh of relief*
Gotta go back to work. Just had to let that out. ^_^
*.* as if! @ 12:31:00 PM • • RBJ