They asked us if we were liberated, confident and comfortable in wearing a bikini. We were like, duh! But the clinchers are Chevy's only here for a vacation which means she'll be leaving on August 6 and Rossel's 15 so she's a minor which leaves the shortlist with only me.
I remember when my friends and I were approached in Ipanema by this talent scout for Starstruck. hihihi...
Anyway, the guy Von called this afternoon and asked to confirm if I'll be able to make it to the studio tomorrow at 5:30 for the audition. Uh... I don't think so. But, I said yes.
I don't know... I'm just not... confident enough, I guess. Besides, I don't think show business is the business for me. I'm content in being a star in my own li'l world. I don't need to be on TV.
This star shines for those who continously see the sparkle.^_^
*.* as if! @ 3:23:00 PM • • RBJ