I've been seriously contemplating on closing down this blog. I don't see any point for this anymore. The angry-psychotic-skank-contaminating-the-serene-blog universe-episode left me with that not-so-welcomed guilt. My brutal frankness and honesty has affected my closest blogger friends [except for Mar-dee-kay who was practically dangling a huge lambchop to that piranha to go terrorize his blog].
I love my friends. I don't want them hurt. I wouldn't have written that derogatory post if that angry psychotic skank did not start going around my friends' blogs spreading her disease. The post I think is pointless, anyway, because the angry psychotic skank didn't understand practically every word. If and when I do get to meet her, I'll gladly introduce her to my good ol' pal, Dictionary.
Now, there is this lingering atmosphere of discretion in my blog. Much as I would like to bare my soul as I have been doing, I do not want to upset any more closed-minded people and it makes me uncomfortable. For two days, I've typed and deleted my abstract self. It's soooo... not me.
But then, by the time I click on publish, I'm certain I would've made up my mind. If you stick around for a few more days, you just might know what my decision is.
*.* as if! @ 5:52:00 PM • • RBJ