- Apply for Credit Card [I'm only eligible for MTV Credit Card because I'm under 21 and these banks think age is more important than maturity or the fact that I earn as much as a typical 25-year-old yuppie!>_<]
- Create website for alumnae association [my first project as an alumna!^_^]
- Locate and do some P.I. work (stalk?^_^) on Angelica Livelo [that's for you, sis!^_^]
- Write a letter of concern addressed to the resident sisses.
- Find a memory stick for our primitive Panasonic NV-C2 camcorder [help, anyone?]
- Apply for a student driver's permit [for the hell of it]
- Apply for an SSS ID [downside of being an adult]
- Apply for a passport [because I'm not some spoiled brat who asks her yaya to do everything]
- Enroll for yoga classes [P 2,000 for 12 sessions every Saturday at 3-5 PM. Stig noh?^_^]
Phew! That's only my major to-do list. Aesthetic to-do like get a hot oil and manicure is not yet included. How the hey will I be able to do these things when I don't even have time to do the most basic to-do of a human being [sleep!]? There should be at least 48 hours in a day. Pshhh...
I remember a time when this list merely included MEN and nothing else worth my time and energy. Now, all the MEN have gone and I'm left with these. I couldn't be more fulfilled and hmmm... orgasmic?^_^
Close your eyes,
Leave the world behind.
Find a place,
Deep inside.
Where you imagine,
That love never dies.
-Sinead O'Connor
Tomorrow, I go to Galera, get sunburned, get high, get drunk, get laid [hopefully?], and forget everything else.
Enjoy the weekend, everyone!
*.* as if! @ 4:50:00 PM • • RBJ