there's gotta be more to life than chasing down every temporary high to satisfy me

If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Don't effin' blame the chef!

Friday, April 01, 2005

To-do list

  • Apply for Credit Card [I'm only eligible for MTV Credit Card because I'm under 21 and these banks think age is more important than maturity or the fact that I earn as much as a typical 25-year-old yuppie!>_<]
  • Create website for alumnae association [my first project as an alumna!^_^]
  • Locate and do some P.I. work (stalk?^_^) on Angelica Livelo [that's for you, sis!^_^]
  • Write a letter of concern addressed to the resident sisses.
  • Find a memory stick for our primitive Panasonic NV-C2 camcorder [help, anyone?]
  • Apply for a student driver's permit [for the hell of it]
  • Apply for an SSS ID [downside of being an adult]
  • Apply for a passport [because I'm not some spoiled brat who asks her yaya to do everything]
  • Enroll for yoga classes [P 2,000 for 12 sessions every Saturday at 3-5 PM. Stig noh?^_^]

Phew! That's only my major to-do list. Aesthetic to-do like get a hot oil and manicure is not yet included. How the hey will I be able to do these things when I don't even have time to do the most basic to-do of a human being [sleep!]? There should be at least 48 hours in a day. Pshhh...

I remember a time when this list merely included MEN and nothing else worth my time and energy. Now, all the MEN have gone and I'm left with these. I couldn't be more fulfilled and hmmm... orgasmic?^_^

Close your eyes,
Leave the world behind.
Find a place,
Deep inside.
Where you imagine,
That love never dies.

-Sinead O'Connor

Tomorrow, I go to Galera, get sunburned, get high, get drunk, get laid [hopefully?], and forget everything else.

Enjoy the weekend, everyone!

*.* as if! @ 4:50:00 PM • • RBJ


I'll be seeing you. Goodnight.

Find me here:


Palabras Finales

Remember me when you hear this

sleeps with butterflies ~ tori amos

Airplanes take you away again
Are you flying
Above where we live?
Then I look up a glare in my eyes
Are you having regrets about last night?
I'm not but I like rivers that rush in
So then I dove in
Is there trouble ahead
For you the acrobat?
I won't push you unless you have a net

You say the word
You know I will find you
Or if you need some time
I don't mind
I don't hold on
To the tail of your kite
I'm not like the girls that you've known
But I believe I'm worth coming home to
Kiss away night
This girl only sleeps with butterflies
With butterflies
So go on and fly then boy

Look good from on the ground
I fear with pins and needles around
We may fall then stumble
Upon a carousel
It could take us anywhere

You say the word
You know I will find you
Or if you need some time
I don't mind
I don't hold on
To the tail of your kite
I'm not like the girls that you've known
But I believe I'm worth coming home to
Kiss away night
This girl, this girl

You say the word
You know I will find you
Or if you need some time
I don't mind
I don't hold on
To the tail of your kite
I'm not like the girls that you've known
But I believe I'm worth coming home to
Kiss away night
This girl only sleeps with butterflies
With butterflies
With butterflies
So go on and fly boy

miss me? spot me here:

be listed

Bury the Hatchet

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