Well, I wish I won't have to turn 20. That's my birthday wish. Is it a little too much to ask? I guess it is. It's like wishing for my poop to turn into gold.
I had an interesting
Being younger than most of my friends, I'm the last to have to go through it - denial. I've seen them all go through it. Somehow, everyone wasn't ready to leave their teenage years behind. It is a universal fact that the teen years rock.
Mine did not only rock, it was intensity 9 on the Richter Scale. I, cliche as it may sound, had the time of my life. As the countdown on my sidebar states, teenhood entitles a person to a license. For me, this license is to be a teenager. [DUH?!]
Look back at your own teen years, weren't you allowable to do/commit things adults aren't?
Here are some off the top of my head:
• Party all night, be scolded by your parents and shrug it off
• Miss your classes because of a hang-over
• Miss your classes because you're too lazy to get off your bed
• Underage (illegal) drinking & smoking
• Have your parents finance all your vices (without knowing it)
• Ridicule adults
• Dance on the ledge
• Waste away in a bar and topple tables over
• Bat your lashes/smile your way to getting what you want
and the list goes on...
I think the keyword in all these is responsibility. Teenagers have the license to be irresponsible. They should be because this is how they learn to deal with the brutalities of life. They get the chance to see first-hand the effects of being irresponsible. I did. I am just not ready to step to the next level of my life yet.
Did anyone mention that 20 is actually the most confusing age? Let me. 20 is actually the most confusing age. Not, 16 nor 18 but 20. At this age, you are neither a teenager nor an adult. 20 does not have the suffix teen so literally, you're not a teenager anymore. Legally, adulthood starts at the age of 21 so you're not yet an adult. What are you, then? Confused - that's what.
When I turn 20, I won't be mature for my age anymore. 20 sounds the same at 25. So when people ask me how old I am, I won't see the impressed expression on their faces anymore. It'll be a blah information for them. Hmmm... You'll know when you're getting older when you start to push back your age. I guess I really am older than most 19-year-olds. I feel I am but I'm not. 8->
I want to be a teenager forever. But, I'm aware that more often than we do, we don't get what we want. Some people stop counting when they reach a certain age. I think Im'a stop at 19. For now, anyway. I have to accept the inevitable at some point. After all, I don't want to be looking 40 and still be 19 years old, do I?
*.* as if! @ 2:43:00 PM • • RBJ