Beyond most people's knowledge, I was married this day exactly three years ago. At the tender age of 16, I vowed my undying loyalty to a group of women devoted to empowerment. It is perhaps one of the few decisions I made in my life without ever ever ever regretting making.
No, I did not become a nun. Duh!!!
I joined a sorority.
My parent went ballistic upon finding out. They said I wasn't mature enough to realize the weight of my decisions. They said I was just being impulsive. They said that in time, I will regret making such a commitment. They said that soon enough, I will grow out of it. Boy, did I prove them wrong.
I wasn't mature enough but I was aware of the weight of my decisions. I was not being impulsive at all; it took me a whole semester before concluding my decision. I did regret, not for making the commitment, but for not doing so earlier. I did grow, not out of it, but because of it.
Three years...
...and counting.
Sigma Betans are like diamonds. They cannot be made, only discovered.
*.* as if! @ 5:52:00 PM • • RBJ