The Movie
A young woman comes to the coastal town of Seabrook, North Carolina in the 1940's to spend the summer with her family. Still in her teens, Allie Hamilton meets local boy Noah Calhoun at a Carnival. On the spot, Noah senses that he and Allie are meant to be together. Though she is a wealthy debutante and he a mill worker, over the course of one passionate and carefree summer in the South, the two fall deeply in love.
Circumstances - and the sudden outbreak of World War II - drive them apart, but both continue to be haunted by memories of each other. When Noah returns home from the war years later, Allie is irrevocably gone from his life, but not from his heart.
Though Noah doesn't yet know it, Allie has come back to Seabrook, where they first fell in love. But now Allie is engaged to marry Lon, a wealthy soldier she met while volunteering in a GI hospital and Noah likewise has a casual affair with a widow Martha.
Decades later, a man reads from a faded notebook to a woman he regularly visits at her nursing home. Though her memory has faded, she becomes caught up in the fiery story of Allie and Noah - and for a few moments, she is able to relive the passionate, turbulent time when they swore they'd be together always.
My Life
A young woman comes to the fast-paced city of Manila to rid herself of too much time at home with her family. Still in her teens, Floi Pablo meets local boy Roduta at 65B. On the spot, senses that he and Floi are meant to be together. Though she is a struggling career teenager and he a medical student, over the course of one passionate and carefree night in the South, the two fall deeply in love.
Circumstances - and the sudden outburst of anger from Floi - drive them apart, but both continue to be haunted by memories of each other. When realizes it was all a test of tolerance, Floi is irrevocably gone from his life, but not from his heart.
Though doesn't yet know it, Floi is going to Cebu as well, where a convention shall bring them together. But now Floi is engaged to despising love, a decision she made after a gazillion heartbreaks and is officially dating his groupmate Crispy Nitz.
What happens next? ends up with Floi, of course. And Crispy Nitz? Contrary to Martha's decision to let go,
"I won't let you off the hook that easily..."
Uh, girl, wakee wakee up!!! What hook?!
If this post isn't bitchy, I don't know what is. Downright mean. But I wanna enjoy this, I'm on the other side of the table for once... Eff womanitarianism, like what I said before... [...]
*.* as if! @ 9:24:00 PM • • RBJ