Well, thank God he's one heck of an advocate of seatbelts. I have just been told last night that TFD 149 met a tragic fate last week [or last last week? details are still indefinite]. Just imagine what could have happened if his Lancer ended up as a total wreck! I'm itching to investigate about it. Miraculously, Ludwig is in top shape, not even a bruise.
I love that car! *weeps* Hahaha. Well, okeiii, I care about the driver too but that's coz he's THE driver. Kidding aside, I do care about Ludwig; he is, after all, once a part of my life [and my heart. *sniff*]. Plus, he's the first guy to drive me around the metro when I was fresh from my rural experience [read: after a long time of exile at Los Baños. No offense.] so he deserves not to be forgotten.
Here's the freaky thing: coincidentally, I was chatting with Chevy yesterday and I told her I saw Lud's car last Saturday at around 11pm along Coastal Road. For the mercy of God, I did! It's impossible since from I what gathered, the car IS a total wreck. How did that happen?
I bet my life it was Lud's. How can I forget that plate number, what with the pnemonics we came up with for it. How can I forget that karplus sticker on the rear windshield, and the chinese character on the backseat window. Oh well, no use trying to figure that out now. But, could some unknown being have been sending me the message that something came up with Lud? That's a laugh.
Anyway, he has Steph to worry about him now. Yes, they are officially together now. Poor Pupu.
Oh, here's an {UPDATE}...
*.* as if! @ 3:53:00 PM • • RBJ