I have a fans' club! Hahaha! Spearheaded by Bacterium [P. Aeruginosa]. Awww... He knows how to make me smile. :p
Last night made me really happy. But, I'm still scared and I can't let go of my inhibitions. Bummer.
Had dinner at Krokodile then drinks at Gilligan's. He's really nice. But of course, I don't want to make the same mistakes. Y'know what I mean. Nice and Slow this time.
For now, someone please wipe this smile off my face. ^_^
Back to Square One
The office relocation project assigned to moi by The Boss took a big plunge as our targeted office space in Global City was leased to another tenant as of 7pm last night. All because of BND's inefficiency.
Someone's being unprofessional. Sheesh... I'm suffering from the consequences of my own inactions [things I refused to do]. No need to be congenial, Mister, just do your job well.
At this point, no one can be trusted. I can not tell with utmost certainty what the real intentions of people are. It's every man for himself [or woman for herself]. Wish me luck.
*.* as if! @ 12:01:00 PM • • RBJ