Crashed and Burned
This day has been a roller coaster of emotions. For no particular reason. No concrete explanation. Can't possibly be my hormones. This isn't my time of the month. Must be me again. Just being me. Weird me. Weeeerd as Dee-Dee puts it.
Happy. Sad. Elated.
I can have a good night's sleep now. Thanks.
Must be the shoes. Blame it on the new mules. I'm going back to my beaten-up stilletos tomorrow. Or maybe I just desperately need to go dancing. Ipanema, here I come. I will not let this weekend pass without giving you a visit. I shall not. Oh goody! Thursday's payday.
Blood, Sweat and Tears
No. My first paycheck wasn't worth these. My smile [sige na nga, and my
Wondering where my first paycheck went to? Try being texted right after cashing in your check by a dear friend I haven't heard from for over a year. Then, meeting up and having frappes with her at Starbucks Shang and then getting on and off a hundred cabs scouting for a cool place to
I was happy, though. No regrets. A paycheck spent for a loved one is a paycheck well spent .
Gave the rest to mum. Aaaawww...
Swallowing my Words
Could there possibly be anyone more pathetic than me? I find myself
in love.
With no apparent grounds. I should go see a psychiatrist. Or a cardiologist. If it's true that hearts get bruised.
I'm stealing copyrighted images now. Great. Meet Floi, the cyber thief.
*.* as if! @ 9:15:00 PM • • RBJ