ooops, i did it again
weblogging is getting me into a lot of trouble.
i don't know if it's me or my readers. i mean, c'mon, this is MY weblog; i'm free to write anything i want here. i didn't create this blogger account nor do i spend my time typing these words to impress and satisfy anyone but MYSELF. this serves as my outlet as a frustrated writer. anyone is free to read my thoughts, though, and comments are more than welcome. somehow, some people hold what i write [and what i don't] against me. they just take everything too personally. okeiii... i admit i myself sometimes have paranoia attacks. but, i try to confirm the truth first before exploding. coz i know if i happen to be wrong, no one will be embarassed but me.
i am SO torn between writing and not writing what i am really thinking/feeling. after all, everything i write here is supposed to be as real as it can be. this is the perfect means for me to exercise my freedom of speech. who will benefit from me making up lame stories? definitely not myself. the truth and the truth alone shall set you free. however, certain restrictions are set not to hurt anyone. I AM NOT A HEARTLESS BITCH. and some more are being created by the minute. in my goal not to hurt someone, i hurt someone else. in the end, this someone else hurt me back. round and round. argh. it all started with me and ended with me. i've become [rather reluctantly] the alpha and the omega.
to everyone whom i've hurt with my blogs, I AM SORRY.
but not for my blogs. i feel sorry for you for you do not know how to respect other people's opinions and emotions. mine in particular. i am sorry i unconsciously made you feel the way you do. go get a razor and kill yourself. you do not deserve to read my blogs.
*.* as if! @ 9:58:00 PM • • RBJ