If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen.
Don't effin' blame the chef!
ninoy's birthday
just came home from ninoy's annual star-studded birthday celebration. patrick took me home. as in MY home ha. am too tired and a bit drunk for the details. i'll try to blog about it tomorrow.
*.* as if! @ 3:29:00 AM • • RBJ
Hazel's party activity report
as predicted, last night was slammin'!!! talk about the ultimate no-holds-barred gimik, pare. i would have missed half my life if i weren't there. we went to IC's (we being moi, calvin!!!, roselle and lou-anne) at around 9. introduced calvin around (the sisses were all wide-eyed, pare) and ordered some drinks. of course, if i'm in IC's, i gotta have vodka mango. i was uber glad coz everyone WAS there. all sisses except for joan and pen. but, it was good enough. riley and the rest of the ruralites berks were and they were practically drooling while staring at me. too bad i was with calvin AND i have astro. anyweiz, a couple of rounds of vodka mango and the sisses were over their heads. when the first fast song came, we were on our feet, led by moi ov course, and having a blast. at first we stood on chairs and soon the tables were cleared. and thus, the table-dancing floi was resurrected. <===my first ever and now infamous table dance took place in Leandro's when i was still a clooge freshie.===> but the party had to cease too soon coz we were after all sorority girls who were supposed to project a fine-girls image. i was just too happy to bump and grind once again. we all decided to call it a night at 2 am (mostly because majority of us were too drunk). roselle and lou-anne went with me to my apartment. roselle had their driver pick her up there so she can change clothes and there won't be any evidence of what she did that night. lou-anne stayed till past 5 am to study. i accompanied her all nighter although i was already ready to hit the sack. i guess i was just too excited to see my sisses again to let it all end. laid in bed till around 7 before dozing off. it was definitely an affair to remember. a nice culmination to my LB life... huhu... and so i whine once again...
*.* as if! @ 10:03:00 PM • • RBJ
welcome to adulthood hayzie girl!!!
it's hazel's 18th birthday and she's having a party in IC's tonight. i'm guessing it should be a blast. it better be!!! all the sisses will be there. i am so hyped up!!! it's been a while since i've had a wild night... ;)
*.* as if! @ 6:04:00 PM • • RBJ
missing uplb
i'm in uplb right now sitting beside Roselle. haaay... i just realized i miss lb life so much! i just wish i can stay here FOREVER!!!
i miss
...the tambayan
...the late afternoon drizzles (it drizzled a while ago).
...making beso to my sisses and making applicants' life hell.
...buying cornetto from tony's grocery.
...having my laundry done in Rev's. (i love the smell of fresh laundry!)
...impromptu gimiks.
...thursday nights.
...videoke nights.
...table dancing.
...my bessie, Angeli!!!
...being scared out of my wits when walking through agapita road after gimiks.
...eating hotdogs in 711.
...the isaw from Agrix.
...For the Love of Oreos from K.A.
...all night-long chikahan with rz, wana or whoever's at home.
...getting high, man!!! ;)
...of course, and definitely above all, i miss going to classes!!! nothing better than sitting bored and daydreaming for an hour or more and still learn.
haaay... there are no mistakes, only lessons learned. (quoted from a wise woman who is beside me.) :c
*.* as if! @ 5:53:00 PM • • RBJ
My Archetype accdng to colorgenics
The Net
The Net reaches out to the world and pulls in experiences of all forms and kinds. Spontaneous, immediate and active, these people are natural racecar drivers, mountain climbers, skateboarders and skiers. Competitive to a fault, these personalities have a natural tendency to win, whether this is in the business world or on the freeway. In the right context this can be a positive encouragement to those around the Net. In the wrong context it can lead to a pathetic display of ego and misplaced pride.
These personalities at their most intense are always on the prowl for clues as to how to win, in an argument, in a simple conversation, in a placid walk along the lake. Usually this behavior is unconscious or "playful" but the sense of play can rapidly disappear if the Net is found to be losing in the aforementioned contest. If you do outmaneuver this personality however there are rarely any hard feelings. The Net believes in competition and a good competitor is someone to be respected. Only those who don't compete are met with derision.
*.* as if! @ 5:44:00 PM • • RBJ
an online quiz a day...
due to my current severe addiction to online quizzes, i'm shaving answering quizzes to a maximum of two per day. no really. i have to cut down on them coz they take up most of my online time. we'll see. nyahahahaha... i'm not really good with vices.
*.* as if! @ 6:46:00 PM • • RBJ
baby's day
astro came to visit today!!! he would've come yesterday but he wasn't even on the road yet by noon so i told him to just come today. we can't see each other everyday, in fact we don't even know when we'll see each other again after today, so i want us to spend a lot of time together whenever we can. he texted me at around 10:30 saying he's leaving the house. i waited and waited and waited. but when he wasn't here yet an hour later, i went home to cook tocino (mmm... my favorite!) for lunch. he wasn't here yet when i came back. i went out to buy ice and when i came back, kuya told me "may tao sa taas para sa yo". of course i knew who it was. but does he have to talk about my baby like that? i mean, they still aren't on first name basis? until now?
we ate lunch, watched some tv and played nintendo 64. at 3, mama texted me to pick up pangee from school. so we left at 3:30. <===useless trivia: i haven't bathed yet at this time. in fact, not yet still while i'm typing this. before you judge me, i'm not usually like this. i love staying under the shower until i'm shivering. i'm just overwhelmed with being with my baby after a long time. and i can't go home to bathe when he arrived coz i was afraid of what people will think of the two of us alone in the house. ===> we were at the school's gate earlier than pangee and we saw her before she saw us. two boys, a fat one and a thin one were hitting her and really bantering her. i wasn't alarmed coz it seemed harmless. pangee confirmed it was. food trip!!! we ate proven then bought pizza roll. i even wanted to buy bopis but astro didn't. i miss the street vendors outside st. jo! they were the only street food i felt safe enough to eat. we came home, accessed friendster then had a stick of puff. oh, i opened a friendster account for astro. he wasn't really interested though. more nintendo until papa arrived. we bought burgers from burger machine for dinner. ate while watching swordfish -- really cool movie. he was gonna go home right after but i asked if he wanted to play counter strike first. he did and really went home by 9. hmmm... i miss doing nothing with him. you know, just cuddling and not worrying about anything else. i know my yearning for him will only grow deeper and harder to contain. but, we can't do anything about it. at least for now until we become legally a couple which is nowhere in the near future. we have to live with the consequence of our actions.
*.* as if! @ 10:37:00 PM • • RBJ
i watched scream 3 on vcd last night. aaargh! really stupifying. i can't help but SCREAM at the characters for being overly idiotic. to think after 2 brushes with death, sidney would be a little more cautious and defensive. especially gale in the scene where she and the killer fell down the basement stairs. instinct should have told her to unmask the killer since he was obviously out cold. but nooo! she opted to use her cellphone to call dewey who was UPSTAIRS. ok, forget the unmasking, it might be too unnerving considering the situation. she should have just stepped over the killer and ran upstairs to the safety of dewey's presence. that was a lot easier and relieving than be in an isolated room with a psycho killer. who writes these stuff anyway? and here we are dear film enthusiasts more irritated than entertained. hmmm... i grew up spooked by the shake, rattle and roll series and THAT was more amusing. they made like what, 6 parts of that? i was terrified by each. the undin episode just stuck to everyone's imagination. i guess the problem with sequels is that the plot tend to be more predictable than the original. THE ring series. now, that's an excellent trilogy. THE hannibal, silence of the lambs and red dragon triparts. that's an excellent trilogy. producers should be making more of these goose-bump inducing movies than yawn-and-snicker inducing ones. agree?
*.* as if! @ 10:04:00 PM • • RBJ
people in friendster are really starting to get on my nerves!!! what's with testimonials anyway? i mean, if someone writes one for you, great! be grateful. and if no one does, wait. some can't seem to browse around without a long list of suck-up's on their home page. they have heckle their friends to concoct stuff which are supposed to impress others to add them. they send you messages and post those pathetic notes in the bulletin board. don't they have a little more self-respect? i'd much rather have no one write anything for me than force them to. i agree with a friend. "who gets luv? you gotta give some to get some." i'm really touched and flattered and moved because a lot wrote me testimonials. and i write testimonials for my friends because they ARE my friends. i don't expect them to do the same, though. i'm just glad when they do. oh and what's really irrititaing is when you finally write one for them, they complain about what you write. i guess that's the down-side of being known for your writing skills. people expect impressive prose. what they don't expect is that i can be EXTREMELY honest. i don't do psychobabble bullshit. i speak my mind. that's why i get into trouble most of the time. oh goodie! on a lighter note, a stranger tried to add me as her friend. i hate it when they do that. i mean i don't wanna fill my space with people who don't know a thing about me. but, it's nice to meet new people. i just i hope i really get to be friends with them and not just have them on my friendster list.
*.* as if! @ 6:19:00 PM • • RBJ
the bitch test
which is a bit higher than when i first took the test...
*.* as if! @ 3:30:00 PM • • RBJ
last saturday, TGIS met up namely loiza, patrick, arturo and nog. we were at jeff's house. i was so excited to see them all again after like 5 months. i was the first to come then loiza arrived shortly after. the sad thing was i realized how much i changed in a matter of months. i ended up thinking the whole night. i was wondering how i ever got to hang out with these people before. how i thought they were my only friends who will stick up for me and i for them anytime. all they ever talked about is sex, sex, sex. yah i know it has always been the topic of our discussions forever but all the time? i mean c'mon! there has got to be other issues interesting to talk about. they were all into motels, positions, durations, blah blah blah... and to think i WAS the mother bitch of bitches. i am such a goody-goody now. aaargh! i am confused as ever. hmmm... good girl, bad girl, good girl, bad girl...
*.* as if! @ 2:39:00 PM • • RBJ
this webpage is still under construction. i want this to be really all about me so i'm brushing up on my html so i can personalize the look and feel. i am so excited!!!
*.* as if! @ 8:11:00 PM • • RBJ
*.* as if! @ 7:10:00 PM • • RBJ